Another Friday morning here in sunny Vietnam! We may really have a couple of days as a family coming up now--yippee!
I mentioned in my last message that we had a group here from CBN last weekend, and during their visit we met Ut, a single mother of 14-year-old Dat. Ut has some serious health problems and we took her to the town of Hue ("whay") earlier this week to be evaluated and hopefully treated at a hospital that is supposed to be one of the best here. It is the hospital affiliated with the medical college, so offers many more specialties and experienced staff with surgeries, etc.
The hospital is overcrowded. In fact, Ut is sharing a bed with another patient--a man. Our co-worker Chau has been staying in Hue to help Ut, getting her water, etc. Tony and Duc stayed a couple of days there this week to talk to the staff, pay for tests, etc. We have heard that it is common for hospital stays to be 30 days or more.
Dat, Ut's son, has stayed with me and the girls. They have taken him in as a brother and the six of them have had a great time overall. Of course, Dat misses his mother and we have to work at communication since he speaks no English (although he can count to ten). They have ridden bikes, gone swimming, and been to the movies together. He and Jillian enjoy playing catch in the hall upstairs, or if Elizabeth and Anna Mei join in, a game of "Keep Away."
The day Ut was admitted to the hospital, we all went to Hue. There was park with a few rides across from the hospital. The girls and Dat enjoyed it immensely, although the only ride Dat really liked was some cars--the others were too fast or high for his taste.
That's been our week. Tony returned last night from Hue, and we are going to have some family time today and tomorrow.
Please remember Ut. Her condition is very serious--all the possibilities mentioned so far are either terminal or at least life-threatening. Our friends have shared the hope of the ages with her. I am reminded of a quote from Corrie ten Boom: "There is no pit so deep that He is not deeper still."
Grace and peace!