Last week Anna Mei, Elizabeth, Faith and Joy went swimming with Linh, her daughter Sally, and Chau. (Jillian was making a short trip with her Dad.) They had planned to make a day of it, so I was surprised to hear them comethrough the door in just a couple of hours. I could tell by their faces that something was wrong. Anna Mei and Elizabeth burst into tears. Linh said, "Joy is at the hospital." I grabbed my motorbike helmet and purse so Linh could take me to Joy. More of the story began to unfold.
Joy was jumping into the pool, and fell hitting her shin bone squarely onthe edge of a step. The gash revealed the bone. Linh and Chau both had cell phones with them, but here all cell phones are prepaid, and they were both out of minutes. So, they couldn't call me. Chau took Joy to the nearest hospital (which, honestly, I am just as glad that I cannotdescribe--it would probably make me worry). By the time Linh and I reached her, she was eating porridge at a restaurant. She has four or five long stitches in her leg. They gave her antibiotics and something like tylenol to take. As is customary here, they said we could come to the hospital every day to have the dressing changed. They did x-rays to make sure the bone itself was fine (it was).
Of all the things we have done in our time here, I think navigating healthcare is the most stressful. It is unsettling to me to speak todoctors through translators, and try to anticipate and decide about treatment options.Still, tonight I am thankful. Joy is doing well. Her leg is sore, but she is content. All the girls have rallied around her. Jillian has returnedand brought a gift for her injured sister. Joy has loved having her daddy pray for her leg. At every opportunity, she reminds him--as if he wouldever forget. :)
May you face every challenge secure in the knowledge that you are neveralone!