Monday, June 8, 2009

A Happy Anniversary

Duc and Linh surprised us with this cake!

Well, it's official...we've been in Vietnam for a year! So, I've beensitting here tonight thinking about what I have I'vechanged...what difference this year has made in me.

Here is my top 10...I've learned that...
...there is hot, and there is HOT
....a "bad hair day" has nothing on "helmet hair."
...chopsticks can be used to repair a variety of household appliances.'s best to laugh: Thanksgiving, 16 coming for lunch, no electricity.
...central Vietnam does get cold, at least for a couple of weeks.
...a loving smile needs no translation. is possible for the heart to be broken...and broken again...andbroken again...for sweet children in dire need.
...I love riding a motorbike!
...the safest, happiest, most comforting place to be is in the will of God.
...we're all in this plants, another waters, but it is Godwho gives the growth.

One more note about our recent activities. We had a small team from the US come visit. It has been a whirlwind! We visited some families in need. One mother we met has an emergency need for surgery because ofabdominal tumors. She and her son are with us tonight; we leave first thing in the morning for a hospital in a town 50 miles from here that has the specialists she needs. Her 14-year-old son is with her. The girls have been a blessing to him...they rode bikes tonight, and watched a movie. Now they are playing "keep away" in the hall. He speaks no English, but they have managed just fine. Please pray for his mother. Her condition is serious. There are no other family members.

Grace and peace!