Elizabeth loved the paper mache!

Ready for take-off!
Hello, all--
I didn't realize it had been so long since I had sat down to write something about our daily lives. Here's a quick "catch up"--
This past Sunday was a big day for our family. Along with our entire office and household staff, we performed a sign language interpretation of Helen Baylor's song "Lord, You're Holy." We practiced long and hard to get the signs down for the Sunday morning service of a conference for Vietnamese deaf here in Danang. The service began at 8:30 am at a local tourist location, so 16 of us loaded up on 7 motorbikes at 7:45 for the 35-minute ride. After 4 days of rain, I was more thankful than you can imagine for a sunny day. The song went great--then we were off to the service at the Danang International Fellowship where I had the opportunity to preach (our pastor was preaching at the deaf conference service). A couple folks at the conference took pictures (and even video)--they are sending them to us, but we don't have them yet.
I shared on Paul's prayer of "grace and peace to you from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ"--a prayer/wish that he repeats in many of his letters. I will post some thoughts on it separately. What a power-packed statement!
We ate out after church. Normally, I enjoy cooking on Sunday, but we had left the house so early, it just did not happen this week. Oh well...no dishes!!!
Then we came home and prepared for a snooze in the living room while the kids watched a DVD of a movie "Monsters vs. Aliens." Unfortunately, our DVD was in German, with Vietnamese subtitles. The twins liked it any way.
Today we had a wonderful treat. We recently met Kerry, a teacher from Australia who has been teaching English as a volunteer here in Danang. Although her time here is almost finished, she offered to come help at the office and do some art classes with our girls (she teaches art and music at the primary level). So today, we did paper mache in the kitchen! What a mess! What fun! Kerry will return Friday for some finishing touches on the "animals," then next week we will paint them.
I am getting more and more comfortable riding the motorbike (though not in a careless way--every trip brings a "reality check" which prevents relaxing). It never ceases to amaze me to see what people here carry on a motorbike. Today, I saw two men carrying a tree, roots and all--about 10 feet in length. Awhile later, I saw a couple transporting a large mirror- about 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 feet. Scary.
After joining FaceBook three weeks ago, I am enjoying reconnecting with friends. I am also enjoying the many quizzes that are available on FaceBook. So far, I have found out that I am a genius (ha!); if I were a candy, I would be M&M's; if I were one of the 7 dwarfs, I would be Happy; if I were one of the 12 Disciples, I would be John; if I were a book character, I would be the teacher from "Dead Poet's Society"; I use my right and left brain equally; and, I have a Sanguine personality. How's that for self-awareness? Thank you, FaceBook.
I am more aware than ever that there is more to do every day than I can accomplish. I have been practicing a keyboard a little (literally "playing"). I have to get the girls to bed now, then prayerfully work on song selection for this Sunday's church service. Life is full these days. God is good. I am so thankful to be here.
Grace and peace!