As you can imagine, driving a motorbike is a great deal different from driving a car. Motoring around Danang and beyond has given me some time to reflect on driving habits...and life lessons.
On the motorbike, the accelerator is on the right handle. There are brakes on both handles. So, to apply the right brake, it is necessary to lift your hand off the accelerator in order to reach the brake (at leastfor me--people with longer fingers might be able to reach both). If I tryto stretch my fingers without lifting off the accelerator, I "rev the engine" even while I am slowing down. In addition, releasing the brake results in a "power surge" that jolts you forward faster than you want to travel. (Note: can you tell I know this from experience?) Moreover, simply releasing the accelerator is a very effective brake; it is amazing how quickly you slow down if you are simply not feeding in more gas.
I tell you this now because I have learned. Do not worry. I am careful. I am a reasonably good and safe driver. I have had no big mishaps to date (thank You, Lord!). Still, yesterday while driving, the Lord dropped this thought into my mind as I rounded a sharp corner (at the proper speed, mind you! :) ) "Whenyou sense something is wrong or amiss, just let off the gas. You will avoid much trouble. Your life is designed in such a way that if you will just stop feeding the acceleration, things will slow down enough so thatyou can get a clearer and better perspective."
It has caused me to think of the "accelerators" I use too often in mylife...too quick to judge; jumping to conclusions; assuming the motives, thoughts, and even facial expressions of others; taking a pessimistic view of "I can't...they'll won't work...things will never change..."
So today, my prayer is that the Lord will grant me the wisdom to let off the hurtful, negative accelerators in my brain and give the Holy Spirit even just a moment to minister grace and help in time of need. A moment is more than enough for Him to come.
Grace and peace!
On the motorbike, the accelerator is on the right handle. There are brakes on both handles. So, to apply the right brake, it is necessary to lift your hand off the accelerator in order to reach the brake (at leastfor me--people with longer fingers might be able to reach both). If I tryto stretch my fingers without lifting off the accelerator, I "rev the engine" even while I am slowing down. In addition, releasing the brake results in a "power surge" that jolts you forward faster than you want to travel. (Note: can you tell I know this from experience?) Moreover, simply releasing the accelerator is a very effective brake; it is amazing how quickly you slow down if you are simply not feeding in more gas.
I tell you this now because I have learned. Do not worry. I am careful. I am a reasonably good and safe driver. I have had no big mishaps to date (thank You, Lord!). Still, yesterday while driving, the Lord dropped this thought into my mind as I rounded a sharp corner (at the proper speed, mind you! :) ) "Whenyou sense something is wrong or amiss, just let off the gas. You will avoid much trouble. Your life is designed in such a way that if you will just stop feeding the acceleration, things will slow down enough so thatyou can get a clearer and better perspective."
It has caused me to think of the "accelerators" I use too often in mylife...too quick to judge; jumping to conclusions; assuming the motives, thoughts, and even facial expressions of others; taking a pessimistic view of "I can't...they'll won't work...things will never change..."
So today, my prayer is that the Lord will grant me the wisdom to let off the hurtful, negative accelerators in my brain and give the Holy Spirit even just a moment to minister grace and help in time of need. A moment is more than enough for Him to come.
Grace and peace!