If you know me well, brace yourself...the following account is TRUE. I can hardly believe it myself.
This morning at 4:55 AM, I pulled myself out of a comfortable bed in a cool room to go bike riding with my oldest daughter. It has been a desire of Jillian's to go for an early morning ride for some time now. (Can anyone hum "The Things We Do For Love"?)
We pulled on our clothes and were out the door by 5:10. The morning was very still, light, and pleasant. We had ridden about a mile when...blub-dub, blub-dub...I got a flat tire. Thankfully, we were beside the Han River where there is a lovely brick plaze with benches, landscaping, etc. So, I sat while Jillian rode for awhile.
We pulled on our clothes and were out the door by 5:10. The morning was very still, light, and pleasant. We had ridden about a mile when...blub-dub, blub-dub...I got a flat tire. Thankfully, we were beside the Han River where there is a lovely brick plaze with benches, landscaping, etc. So, I sat while Jillian rode for awhile.
There were lots of folks out exercising--old and young, men and women. Small groups clustered for conversation. The men were joking amongst themselves, with some of the most elderly playfully boxing each other.
Of course, the real challenge was walking the bike home. Lots of traffic, so many stares, shouts of "Hello! What you name? Where you from?"
The best part was spending time talking to Jillian. That was great. We returned home about 6:55.
I could not help but think of how the Lord must smile at us...the things we find so important, so interesting, so unusual, so challenging...He participates with us, encouraging, affirming, strengthening us through it all.
Thank you, Lord, for teachable moments with my children...and as your child!
Grace and peace!