Jillian gives a ride to Joy and Faith. They are in front of our gates on the sidewalk.
Hello, all-Today, Jillian and I went on a little fact-finding mission. As we try to be good stewards of all we have, keeping our grocery bill down requires constant vigilance. So, we went price-finding at Big C. Up and down the aisles, comparing brands. Interesting.
On the way home, it was 5 pm rush hour. The traffic was maddening. I had to stop in the middle of three intersections to avoid hitting another bike that refused right-of-way. To complicate things, the wind had really picked up. I felt gusts push against the bike, giving us an added little bobble. I was thankful for my mask, glasses and helmet--at least my face was protect from swirling leaves, a few stray pieces of paper, etc.
While driving home, I couldn't help but think of how I noticed every bump, uneven grade, and sand-covered spot in the road. On a sunny day, they are hardly noticeable, but in the aggravation of the wind, every little thing raises another challenge. It's like the windy, stormy situations in life. Minor obstacles and imperfections are not given a second thought when theday is smooth and circumstances favorable. But let the wind kick up, and the journey get testy and slow. Suddenly, minor things are not only noticed, they are annoying (at first), then grating. Just like my drive home, with some extra care and attention, with some perception of the causes of difficulty, the trip can be made with a minimum of hassle, anger or frustration.
May you find peace in your journey today!