The Table Sunday morning

Dawn helps Joy with an egg.

Elizabeth with the finished product!

Jillian at work.
Hello, all--
We had a wonderful, glorious celebration of Jesus' resurrection! I hopeyou did, too. For those interested in details, read on...
We were blessed that our friend Dawn had recently received a box ofassorted food coloring from her mother in the US. Some food coloring isavailable here in larger bottles, but limited colors--I have seen red,green and orange. It is expensive--one bottle costs about $4. Dawn came over to the house and we colored boiled duck eggs. They are larger than chicken eggs, and are readily available here with white shells (all the chicken eggs have brown shells). Dove eggs are also available (with a couple other unknown fowl), but they are considerably smaller.Marissa helped us color the eggs (Tony and Enoch watched a movie) as well, so we had a great time together. The girls had so much fun mixing some new colors and trying different methods of decorating. While I took Dawn home on the motorbike (my first trip across the bridge in the dark), Marissa and Enoch did "egg hunts" with the girls. Of course, by the timeI got home, many of the eggs had been dropped at least once, cracking the shells. Elizabeth ventured to eat one--she really liked it.
On Saturday, Jillian and Anna Mei were invited to go to a beach resort with their friend Lucia and her family. Tony did some fun outings withElizabeth, Faith and Joy, so I could get some things to fix Easter baskets. There are no decorations, baskets, chocolate eggs, plastic eggs,etc. here in Danang. For baskets, I bought a set of small collander-type,colorful, plastic bowls. In each one I put some goodies that we don't often have--pretzel sticks, real chocolate candies, and a small toy. I also put in some things the girls will use in school--cute little rulers,band some small art supplies. On Sunday morning, they were so excited! Tony and I fixed pancakes and scrambled eggs, and he read an account of the resurrection from the Bible at breakfast. At church we had a full house! Six missionaries from Cambodia were visiting, as well as a new lady from Australia. It was a wonderful gathering. Our pastor spoke on what the resurrection means to us: forgiveness from the past, strength for the present, the security of the future.
After church, we had a fellowship lunch together. The church provided hotdogs, hamburgers, and french fries. We all brought the rest. I had baked a peach cobbler that morning. I left the house earlier than Tony (I lead the worship singing), and when he was taking the cobbler out of the toaster oven, the rack tipped and the whole thing landed face down on the kitchen floor. :( Not only did we lose a dessert, I spent a good portion of Sunday afternoon on my hands and knees cleaning it off the floor. :( :(
Sunday evening, Marissa, Enoch, Duc, Linh, and Sally joined us for supper. We had chicken and dumplings. We watched the first half of "Ben-Hur." Part 2 will be shown Tuesday night. Then, the bedtime preparation train had to roll out of the station. It is a production.
It was a great day. Anna Mei declared it was the "best Easter of her life." Jillian was a little more pensive. Holidays, of course, make us all more aware how much we miss seeing loved ones.
The Lord is good. Thank God for the victory He gives! Thank God for the victory He IS!!!Let us rejoice in His resurrection life!