Yes, folks, in Vietnam there really is a "Cindy" perfume. It comes inseveral "fragrances." It has become a source of amusement for our family. Here are just some of the comments we have come up with...
"Gee, Mom, you're kind of cheap."
"Someone told me to smell Cindy."
"I smell Cindy!"
"Ah, yes, the many smells of Cindy."
"We went to Big C today and three Vietnamese women were smelling Cindy!"
"I spent a lot of time in the perfume aisle, but when I smelled Cindy, I nearly fell over!"
"What's that smell? Oh, yeah...it's Cindy."
And the slogan: "Cindy...stinkin' up the nations!"
I hope something here made you smile (or chuckle, giggle, guffaw, chortle,cluck, snicker, or roll in the floor--hmmmm, now there's an image....)
May our prayers rise today as a sweet fragrance to the throne of God...prayers of joy, thankfulness, faith, surrender, and love.
Grace and peace!