Hello, all--
Summer-like weather is returning. We have actually had the AC on in the schoolroom today, and a little in the bedroom at night. Not the blistering temperatures that are coming, but noticeably warmer.
Linh and I went to Dai Loc yesterday. As we prepare for more rennovations there, we talked to the staff about the needs for the children's rooms and the kitchen, mainly. When I first asked if they needed anything, the only thing they said is that they would like to have a large serving bowl for the rice they fix at meals. We kept talking, and of course, the needs are far greater than that. Lord willing, we will have a hand in making their lives a bit easier, and their home more welcoming and comfortable. I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to understand some of the Vietnamese conversation with the orphanage director. Yeah!
I had not been to Dai Loc by motorbike since before the rainy season, so the ride was especially enjoyable. I felt like a Danang-native on the bike--while Linh drove, I text-messaged someone on my phone. The rice fields are a luxurient green, decorated with "plastic scarecrows"--bright plastic bags on wooden sticks that keep rats at bay.
Dai Loc being a more rural area, there were many animals roaming the streets. I had to smile, one stray cow was standing calmly at the door of a karoake cafe, looking as if she was waiting to enter. There were all manner of fowl running around loose--chickens, geese, ducks, etc. They seem oblivious to traffic.
Over the months that we have lived here, fish has become one of my favorite foods. Bee has fixed all kinds. Last night, when Linh and I returned, supper was on the table...but I just didn't have the heart to eat the big fella on the platter.
A great day, all in all. So much for which to be thankful. I pray that is your experience, too...Grace and peace!