Barrel of trouble or tons of fun? It's all in perspective. Top: Anna Mei loves for Einstein to play with her hair. Bottom: Shasta in the arms of a favorite buddy, Faith.
Hello, all--
These days have been busy as ever, but seem especially to bring to my mind the bittersweet realities of life. We have received news of friends and loved ones struggling with tragedy, deep inner wounds, and loss. Yet in the midst, there is the promise of new life, the anticipation of a spring time for the soul. I am choosing to reach toward healing, toward help and strength that are outside the bounds of human wisdom and ability.
There is so much comic relief in living here--for us and our Vietnamese friends. We are as much a mystery to them as they are to us. Duc, Linh and Bee cannot fathom the joy the girls get from the puppies. I think they see Einstein and Shasta as furry, disease-prone, noisy, destructive, bundles of trouble. That's quite a load for a puppy to carry! :)
Someone recently asked me what I missed most about the states. I think it is simple shopping--not a grand shopping spree, but just being able to go look at a variety of items and make a selection. Whether it's food, clothing, or even glue--most often, there is one choice: take it or leave it. The other day, I was at Big C in the "baking aisle." It made me drool for Wal-Mart or Kroger--or even Save-Alot. There was one brand of sugar, one kind of wheat flour, one brand of powdered sugar. No baking soda, baking powder, cream of tartar, vanilla or food coloring. One bag of cake mix. No frosting, no pancake syrup, no cake pans, muffin tins or cupcake liners. Some stores carry some of these items, so finding them is a bit of a scavenger hunt. But, there are so many lighter moments. The girls are excited about having a "Valentine" party in our school tomorrow. So, today we walked to a little store a couple blocks behind our house to get some treats. The man who has the store speaks a little English. When we were on the way, he came running toward us from across the street. Turns out he was visiting someone and his store was locked up (at 3:00 in the afternoon). When he saw that we were going to his store, he ran out to open up just for us. We bought a liter bottle of 7-up, six little bags of chips, and a large package of wafer cookies--all for about $2.25. When we returned home, Bee was completely perplexed at the purchase. How do you pantomime "Valentine school party"?
It is simple things that continue to bring me the greatest joys. Studying the faces around the supper table, spontaneous eruptions of celebration because our weekend menu includes chicken and dumplings or potato soup. Goodnight hugs and kisses. Sleepy faces waking with smiles to puppy kisses and tail wags.
Another joy--I have been asked to lead the worship each week at the church. What a blessing!
We appreciate your prayers. Much is happening. And everywhere we look, more to be done. May the Lord reveal His goodness to you in ever-amazing ways that touch your heart and strengthen you in every way. Grace and peace!