Anna Mei's beach handstand
Hello all,
Well, I now have wheels. My motorbike is a small Yamaha, called an "Ultimate". It is white and dark blue with a camel colored seat. We had a carrying case put on the back--someplace to lock my purse while driving and to carry small bags home from the market. Already I have been practicing. I rode to church yesterday (a friend here had spent the night with us and she rode in the taxi with the girls). Tony rode with me on his bike since it was my first trip across the Han River Bridge from home.
Later in the afternoon, we rode to the beach. Tony took three girls on his bike, Jillian rode her bicycle and I took Faith on my bike. Everything went well. I am taking it slow and being very careful. Daily we pray for safety for every passenger that ever rides on Paddy (well, I HAD to call it something!). Paddy is a reminder that"Prayers were Answered through D and D--Yahoo!" "D and D" are the friends that made this purchase possible (I thought they might rather remain anonymous). I also get a kick out thinking I have my own little "Paddy wagon"--I must be a little off my rocker to start riding a motorbike in Danang traffic at the age of 50! Any way, I'm having a wonderful time--holding my breath through busy intersections and generously using my horn.
A couple other things I wanted to share. At the beach, the Lord brought to mind another spiritual truth that I need right now... The day was breezy and beautiful, with wave upon wave rushing up on the sand in ever-increasing arcs. I was walking along the edge, watching the water wash up, then back. It was rather dizzying. I felt and perceived that the earth was shifting and rolling. The only way to maintain balance was to keep my eyes most often fixed upon an immoveable point on the horizon. If I was too interested in the waves, I lost balance. By looking up, I could enjoy the waves that lapped across my feet; but I could also remain stable and steady against the larger waves that slapped against my knees with surprising force and speed. For me, it was a reminder to keep looking up, keep perspective, enjoy life's pleasantries and stand strong in adversity.
Last night we experienced a first. About 10pm, we heard loud music from the street. I went to the balcony to have a look. There in the middle of the street was a young man with an amplifier, electric guitar and microphone, sharing his music with the world while motorbikes, bicycles and cars went around him. Eventually, one of the little cafes next to us invited him under their tin roof shelter to sing.
And, on more thing. Anna Mei said today that one of her back teeth had chipped. I took a look and saw a rather large hole. So, we paid a visit to a dentist, with much fear and trepidation on my part. I am so glad that Tony went with us (Linh came to translate, Jillian came for emotional support). Thanks be to God, all went well. He put in some kind of filling. No pain, no fear. He did say that 3 baby teeth need to be pulled to allow room for the permanent teeth to come in. We are praying about what steps we will take, plus investigating how to proceed given Anna Mei's heart history.
Thanks be to the Father who gives every good and perfect gift! Grace and peace!