Faith and Joy are two little blossoms that add sweet fragrance to our lives!
Hello, all--
I awoke this morning with a sense of anticipation and encouragement. Without a doubt--I feel the prayers of many!
Awhile ago, I was on our 3rd floor laundry porch to take the dry clothes off the line, hang the load just washed, and put another load in the washer. The laundry area is all concrete and tile, sun-exposed (except for a small overhang) and enclosed by a high wall for privacy in hanging out you private lingerie items. In other words, the air is very close and the temperature HOT. By the time I take clothes off the line, hang the wet load, and get the ne w load going, it is positively stifling.
But, when I step around the corner, back into the hallway of the house, invariably, I can feel a refreshing breeze. It must be the circulation of the air from the large stairwell that goes all the way down to the living room, but it is always there without fail.It remind's me of the refreshing available to you and me through the Holy Spirit. The task at hand may be mundane or monumental. No matter. Just when we need it, when circumstances, attitudes, or deadlines are closing in around us, a breeze is on the way.
You may be just around the corner from a fresh wind from the Holy Spirit! Don't give up, don't quit in frustration, don't sit down, don't back up. Just as surely as that welcome rush of air hits my face every time without fail, the Holy Spirit (your helper, comforter, teacher, friend) will bring refreshment to your bones, revitalization to your vision of the task at hand, and renewal to your resolve to see it through--it's just around the corner!
Wishing you grace, peace and a cool breeze!