(Left: Anna Mei and Elizabeth eat "pineapple on a stick"--er, stem, that is!) Hello, everyone! Once again, we attended church at the Danang International Fellowship today. What a precious group of people! Today, one of the Australian members shared the message. He talked from 1 Samuel 13 and 14, and his focus was on dealing with disappointments. He pointed out that our disappointments are often God's appointments in our lives. Like any "appointment", it is a designated event that lasts for a set period of time, but we are not meant to live there forever. He likened to a visit to the doctor--we have an appointment, we are there at a set time, but we never expect to move in to the doctor's office. Moreover, with divine "appointments" there is purpose and benefit involved. He also pointed out that Saul and Jonathan faced the same disappoinment, but their way of responding to it was totally different. Disappointment is not necessarily good or bad, it is our opportunity to choose how to respond. Saul responded by doing nothing initially, and then by taking matters into his own hands in a panic. The result was that he lost his kingdom. Jonathan strengthened himself in the Lord, shared with one other likeminded person, looked for the Lord's confirmation, moved forward and saw miraculous deliverance!
The sermon touched my heart in a special way. Years ago, when Tony first told me that he felt called by the Lord to attend law school, that I was less than excited. As I prayed, the Lord brought me to this same passage in 1 Samuel 14, where Jonathan speaks to his armor bearer. The armor bearer's response is "Do all that is within your heart to do, and here am I with you." Fifteen years after law school, the Lord used those same verses again as Tony and I prayed about this move to Asia. I feel that it is no accident that the speaker this morning had this text. It is a great encouragement to me to reject fear, and look for the divine in my (dis)appointments.
After church, we went to the Big C Super Center. There is a restaurant there (called Lotteria) that serves Asian and American food. I also needed to pick up a few things for supper tonight since today is Bee's day off. Any way, I made a stop at the ladies' room, which had a line (what else is new?). But while I was in line, one of the female employees who watches the restrooms motioned for me and another gal in the line to go into the men's room! I was hesitant, but it seemed quite normal to everyone in the line--so, off we went. The men's room was empty when I closed the door of the stall, and unfortunately was not empty when I came out. I made a hasty exit!Also, while shopping I finally found...bottled ketchup!!!!! Oh happy day!!!! The biggest bottle to buy holds about 8 ounces--it's about the size of the old individual coca cola bottles. But...it is ketchup!
The girls have found a new amusement. Outside the office on the third floor, there is a patio balcony. Mr. Bo has some hanging baskets and there is a spicket and hose for watering. The girls have learned that by flooding the patio floor, they have a very effective "slip and slide"--and slip and slide they do! Of course, they have to slide on their knees, seats or tummies. There is a drain in the floor, but the water always just dries up anyway--I think the heat takes care of it. One advantage to this activity is that they can "slip and slide" and they are fully visible from the office. The patio is covered, so we have no worry of sunburn.
That's it for now. It's almost time for me to prepare supper.
Love to all, grace and peace be yours,
Love to all, grace and peace be yours,