Hello again!
Yes...we are definitely home. We arrived last night to find that our water pump was not working. Again. Our landlord brought something to hook up to it to make it work, so we have water. However, he has to unplug the refrigerator in order to get the power supply for his gadget. Since we had left if empty for our trip, it's not a huge inconvenience at the moment. After a trip to the store later today...well, that's another matter.
We also came home to find that about ten large roaches had met their demise in our house while we were gone. Each little body on its back with legs up, absolutely sends Faith and Joy into terror. I don't get it--the dead ones scare them, but tiny live spiders are a delight. Go figure.
We received our new credit cards. Now we have to figure out how to activate them. The instructions say to call from your home phone. I have no idea what number the company has as our home phone these days...Mt. Sterling? Tony's cell phone? our Lexington office number? Oh well. We will figure it out.
Do I sound like I am griping? It is tongue in cheek. I was definitely whining in my heart as I came upstairs to put in a load of laundry and check email--only to find another dead roach in the laundry soap. Yuk! Then I looked at a calendar on the desk. Here is today's quote from Charles Spurgeon:
"Cheer up now, thou faint-hearted warrior. Not only has Christ traveled the road, but He has slain thine enemies."
Now THAT makes me happy! Okay. So I guess I will be quiet and start to think on whatever is true, lovely, right, pure, of good report.... :)
I hope that this day, the Lord will speak to you so clearly. May you know that He is intimately acquainted with every detail of your life. He holds you in grief, soothes you in angst, applauds you in success, dances with you in celebration.