Like so many others, we have been busy lately decorating for Christmas. One thing I miss most at this time of year is the Christms ornaments we have collected over the years, which are safely packed away in Kentucky. (Yes, they are number 1 on the "Bring Back" list for our next visit to the US!)
We have purchased ornaments here, but one item cannot be found in Danang (to my knowledge)...a nativity scene. I own a beautiful set (made by Home Interiors) a gift from my sister-in-law Cathy on the "first Christmas" Tony and I were married. Oh, how I have missed it! Last year, Aurora (my dear "little sister") gave me a miniature one to bring back, about the size of a coffee cup.
This year (drum roll) Tony made a trip to Saigon with one of our guests. While he was there he found...YES! individual pieces for a Nativity set.
I am VERY happy to display it...and it has made me think. It is definitely a Vietnamese rendition...
Mary, Joseph, Jesus and the child angels all have glitter on their clothing. some of the animals are disproportionate in size (the camel is smaller than the donkey). The kings wear predominantly green (with yellow and red) and the angels wear pink and blue.
And the baby Jesus is...well...big. If you could stand the figure up, he would easily tower over every other person, animal or angelic being.
This may be considered by some to be a flaw, but I think it is by design. Jesus is the most important person in the scene. He is bigger than life, death, angels, principalities and powers. Even as a Babe, the King of the Universe has arrived! Here is the Light of the World, Hope of all hopes, King of all kings and Lord of all lords...and the world will never be the same!
Maybe this Christmas, Jesus needs to be bigger in my life. More central to my personal celebration, more prominenet and unmistakeably pronounced.
Maybe I need to live, believe, act, speak, listen and work from a heart where Jesus is larger than anything else.
Maybe I need to sing louder, rejoice with more gusto, laugh longer, love more deeply, give more generously (money AND forgiveness, mercy, grace, etc.), and take more time to ponder because...
...well... Jesus is big!
May you have a large CHRISTmas celebration in your heart and home!