It has been an interesting few days here. I have now begun to use my Orphan Voice email account. My new email address is cindy.brewer@orphanvoice.org. Moving the address list was a challenge for me, but, if you are reading this, I have successfully completed the task!
Other recent milestones ....
1. I have now ridden Paddy (the motorbike) with two of the girls as my passengers. All was calm, all was bright. Jillian says my next step is to either ride with one of the girls in front of me, or to have an adult passenger. Hmmmm, we'll see.
2. When we moved here, three of our girls still used the training wheels on their bikes. Now, Faith is the only one with the extra wheels--much to her frustration. There is no teacher like your twin having her training wheels removed. I expect soon we will have only "2 wheelers" in the house!
3. Awhile back, Elizabeth bought a toy iron that plays music at the push of a button. Not surprisingly, the button broke off, leaving a myriad of tiny wires inside, but no music. Yesterday, Anna Mei "hot wired" the iron, and once again, it whistles while Elizabeth works.
4. We are anticipating the return of Enoch and Marissa tomorrow afternoon. Today, Faith prayed that they would "come home safe."
5. I am blessed to have a new helper, Chau ("chow") who is assisting me with homeschooling in the morning, and will help in the Orphan Voice office in the afternoons. The girls love her. I will introduce her more fully soon.
Other recent milestones ....
1. I have now ridden Paddy (the motorbike) with two of the girls as my passengers. All was calm, all was bright. Jillian says my next step is to either ride with one of the girls in front of me, or to have an adult passenger. Hmmmm, we'll see.
2. When we moved here, three of our girls still used the training wheels on their bikes. Now, Faith is the only one with the extra wheels--much to her frustration. There is no teacher like your twin having her training wheels removed. I expect soon we will have only "2 wheelers" in the house!
3. Awhile back, Elizabeth bought a toy iron that plays music at the push of a button. Not surprisingly, the button broke off, leaving a myriad of tiny wires inside, but no music. Yesterday, Anna Mei "hot wired" the iron, and once again, it whistles while Elizabeth works.
4. We are anticipating the return of Enoch and Marissa tomorrow afternoon. Today, Faith prayed that they would "come home safe."
5. I am blessed to have a new helper, Chau ("chow") who is assisting me with homeschooling in the morning, and will help in the Orphan Voice office in the afternoons. The girls love her. I will introduce her more fully soon.
As happens so often in life, I experienced a trial recently where everything within me wanted to rise up and deliver a grand defense (peppered with a few personal jabs of retort). I was hurt. I was angry. I was ready to let another individual have "a piece of my mind." Tony wrote me this poem...
No matter what they think or say
My love for you is still the same
The love command I bid thee follow
T'will all be well upon the morrow
23 years of marriage and he starts writing poetry! Any way, you can imagine how that message did so much to calm my heart. I have certainly vented...but to the One who can change me and the situation. I know I am happier because of it.
May we all follow the path of Jesus' love today--
Grace and peace!