The fish have arrived! Oh happy day! There are 20 of them. I can't keep track of all the names...Shinestein, Pinky, Sky, Shark, Ariel, Shirley Temple...these are just a few. But they are so beautiful to watch. I have had to hide the food, of course. And there have been more than a few threats made about taking the top of the aquarium off to "stir" the water with the net! But it is a wonderful addition and we are enjoying it.
For those who like to keep up with cost differences between here and the US, the aquarium, filter, light, rocks and decorations, fish, and the table (made to our height specifications) all cost about $60. In addition, for about $5 per month, someone from the fish store comes to our house twice per month to clean the tank, replace plants, etc. Is that a bargain, or what?
Hope your life includes some beauty today. Things here are going swimmingly!
Grace and peace!