Hello, all--
One of our routines at night or whenever we all leave the house is to lock the gates. Like most Vietnamese families, we use two padlocks, one for the inside of the gate, the other for the outside. the handles of the gate have a half-circle opening so you can put your hand through to unlock the opposite side.
The locks are heavy-duty. I don't know what they weigh, but it is easy to imagine one breaking a toe if it fell from the lock. They are meant to last. Yet I discovered last week that they need periodic attention, or they will not work at all. A few days ago, I was outside (in the rain) trying to unlock the gate for Bee, who was due to arrive any minute. Usually, this takes only a few seconds. But on this day, the key would not turn and release the lock. I jiggled. I wiggled. I pushed, pulled, turned softly, used force, took a deep breath, counted to 10...then 20, walked back inside, came back outside and repeated the whole process. No success. What would I do if the house was on fire, I mused. It was only about 7:20 am, and the man who repairs motorbikes at a store next door was just opening up for business. I used my new Vietnamese phrase, "Can you help me?" It took him about a minute, but he opened the lock.
Later, when Duc was at the house, I showed him the lock and explained the problem. "It needs oil," he said simply. He too the lock next door and came back in only a moment with the lock in hand, dripping with oil. It works fine again.I got to thinking...the lock needs attention to work. I couldn't help but think of situations in my life where I (or others) have locked up long-standing anger, bitterness or resentment. Sometimes we defend it...I can't help it. It's there and I can't do anything about it. When a wound is fresh, that may be true. But I have a fair amount of experience with offenses. In almost 50 years of life, 22 years of marriage, 33 years of ministry, and hundreds of family and friend relationships, offenses have been given and received. I know what it's like to lock them away, and I know the freedom and joy of letting them go and receiving healing.
Here is what I felt the Lord put in my mind about that lock: If you (or I) want to keep anger or resentment locked away, we will have to work at it. Why? Because the Holy Spirit will occasionally pour His oil on the lock to make it open. We will have to remove the lock from His presence and refuse His help to stop His oil from loosening the lock. Periodically, He will come afresh and offer more oil to release those old hurts, and the wrongs we have been unjustly given. Whether or not to receive His help is up to us.While we say we want emotional healing and restoration, often we do not. When you have carried a very heavy bag on your arm for a long time, there is some pain when you first release it. Still, the pain subsides and your journey is much more enjoyable, the possibilities for activity much more inviting--with the baggage gone.
Today, I am asking the Holy Spirit to pour a gallon of oil on any lock that I have in my heart, to insert the key, and open wide the gates that are keeping in things that should have been out long ago.
If you have refused His oil before, do not fret. His love will not let you go. He will return with a new flask. Surrender the lock to Him with complete trust. Freedom awaits!
Grace and peace!