Bottom: Me in the jacket from Bee.
Hello, all--
I hope you are having a blessed holiday season. Four of our daughters have December birthdays within a span of 9 days, so it has been a busy time. I will share about their celebrations after the final party, which is Thursday afternoon. I am so thankful for our toaster oven--after baking four cakes, I am getting quite comfortable with it.
I am not making light of the Biblical directive to "ask and you shall receive." But today I was reminded again of God's goodness to surprise us with expressions of kindness when we do not expect it.
I think I mentioned that after my first trip to the tailor I was thinking about having a jacket made. Because of the mixed results with Vietnam tailoring, I hesitated to spend the money for fabric and labor to have it done. So, as the weather has cooled considerably, I have turned to the only "warm" clothes I brought--three long-sleeved tops. Jillian bought me a large woven scarf that I wear as a shawl, but I had still been wishing I had taken a chance on the tailor.
This morning, Bee arrived for work as usual. Grinning from ear to ear, she gave me her Christmas present--a silky, tan colored jacket. It is just right! I was amazed. What a precious reminder that the Lord sees everything, and knows the thoughts of our hearts.
Later, as we started school, it was Faith's turn to be the "Prayer Leader." Her job was to ask for prayer requests and then lead us in lifting the prayers to the throne. Faith loves to pray. She is always one who reminds everyone at meals that it is time to give thanks. Often, she has asked her dad if she can say the prayer. Still, I was quite surprised today. Joy was the last person she called on for a request. Joy was more quiet than usual. Faith said, "Are you sick, Joy?" Then, without any hesitation, she walked over to Joy, put her hands on Joy's head and prayed, asking God to make Joy feel better. After she finished, she walked around the room, putting her hands on each of her sisters as she prayed for their requests. I was amazed, touched, and inspired, all at the same time. It made today all the more special...it is Faith and Joy's 6th birthday.
Charles Dickens wrote, "It is no small thing when those who are so fresh from God love us." The prophet Isaiah wrote, "...a little child shall lead them." Today, I feel that I understand a little better the depth and truth of these messages.
Grace and peace!