Tony had an encounter with the local police yesterday. He was driving to a town about 3 hours away. Well, actually, he had ventured out to see if he could find it unassisted. Armed with his map, he set out. Since most of the roads here are not marked outside the cities, it is no easy task to find some little hamlets. Even in cities, many private residences are built down alley-ways, some too narrow for a small car. So, it is not surprising when Tony found himself in an unfamilar town without a clue of which way to go. After stopping ot consult the map (again), he set off. In many places, there are "service roads" running beside the main street. It is very common for people to drive the wrong way down a service road in order to access a street entrance. That is the situation Tony was in. The road he thought he needed to take was on the far side of one of these small streets, so off he went, driving the wrong way for a short distance. He had no sooner turned on the one-way road (going the wrong way) when he saw two policemen a couple blocks away. Quickly, he turned in a parking area, turned around and went out the right way on the street. But it was too late. They came after him.
At this point of his story, my eyes were wide and just thinking about being in that situation made my heart-rate increase. Not Tony. He is one cool dude. He stopped and the officers came up beside him. They were young--in their 20s, and spoke not a word of English. Tony pulled out the map and showed them where he was trying to go. They seemingly forgot about him for a minute and started discussing amongst themselves the best way to get there!They motioned for him to follow them. They led him to the road that would take him to his destination! Then they waved him on his way with a friendly smile. So, our first real interaction with law enforcement here was not the stuff of drama, intrigue or bravery for the cause. Thank You, Lord!
May your travels this day be smooth and joyous!
Grace and peace!