Clothing, books, toys, art supplies, jewelry, soccer balls--these are just some of the gift items we hope to bless some children with this Christmas!
Hello, all--
The love of autumn, Thanksgiving, and the approach of Christmas are deeply ingrained in my being. Whether dripping with sweat or raindrops, my anticipation and enthusiasm in this season refuses to be dampened (pun intended!). We are planning Christmas parties for the children, complete with goodies, singing, decorations, and presents for every child. Our girls are excited to be in on the planning. As resident "experts" on what children like, they have many ideas on craft projects, games, food, and, of course...presents! Tony took the older girls on an exploratory shopping trip the other day and they chose some sample gift items that we could show on our website, etc. Our hope is to make sure that every child has a party, and receives a gift that includes clothing, along with a nice toy or gift item. The gifts will vary according to country, the child's age and gender, etc., but the samples give at least some ideas of what we have in mind.
Thinking about Christmas, and the impact of parties and gifts, etc., has reminded me about one of the recurring themes in Dennis Kinlaw's book, This Day with the Master. Several times he points out that everyone's redemption begins in someone else. Ultimately, it is in the heart of God. Yet even narrowing our focus to daily life here and now, this is true. I have thought about my own life and varied points of intersection with faith, people who showed a light, gave a lift, offered love. Each one changed my life. Raised me higher. Encouraged me on. Helped prepare my heart to hear.
In our homeschool Bible class, we have been talking about different events of the Old Testament. As we talked about Joshua becoming the leader of the Israelites, I couldn't help but think that he was able to fulfill his destiny because of Moses, who was preserved through Pharoah's daughter, who he survived to meet because of his mother, who was alive with all the people of Israel because of the work of Joseph....and on back through the ages you can go. All of us are connected in faith to someone else. God intended it so.
There is a world of children who scarcely even imagine the kind of Christmas celebration we hope for them to experience. Who knows what heart will be encouraged; what hope will be planted; what seed of possibility will take root; what comfort will wrap itself around a hurt and begin a work of healing. Only eternity will tell. So, if Father has set in motion that everyone's redemption begins in someone else, then I say, "Please, Father, for at least one, or some, or many...let it be me!"
Grace and peace from the King who is on the throne, no matter who is in the White House!