(Left: View from our 3rd floor balcony.) The day started out great. I was up early before the girls and had some quiet time in the living room waiting for Bee to arrive (so I could unlock the gate for her). The chewing machines were laying at my feet looking so sweet and serene. The time was precious (more about that later). Then, after breakfast, Elizabeth discovered that a bathroom on the 2nd floor was locked. That should not be a big deal. BUT... there are about 25 different keys each fitting a different door or window in this house. And a large number of them look the same. Of course, some are labelled...in Vietnamese. So, up the stairs, down the stairs, up the stairs, down the stairs. Trying every key in every lock to label them. In the end, all the keys are labelled...and the bathroom door is still locked. Mr. Bo is out of town, so it looks like that bathroom is off limits for awhile.
I am blessed to have a copy of Dennis Kinlaw's devotional "This Day with the Master." It is a rich source of spiritual insight. Today's reading said, "A partial surrender to Christ means a partial experiencing of his grace...." I must exchange my all in order to receive His all. Why is such a happy exchange so difficult? Do I find such comfort in the familiar that I am willing to sit in a predictable famine rather than venture to a joyous feast simply because I must give up control to sit at the riches of His table? In his writing, Kinlaw included the words to the hymn "Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart"--
"Teach me to love Thee, as Thine angels love
One holy passion filling all my frame
The baptism of the heaven-descended dove
My heart and altar and Thy love the flame" (George Croly)
May it be so in my life and yours today. It is the way of peace, of joy, of fruitfulness, of deep satisfaction, of eternal life!
His love to you all!