I wanted to share something that has been on my mind. I have noticed that when I am riding on the back of the motorbike, I have a strong desire to put my arms out as if I am flying. I feel so free and at peace. I have controlled the urge--I don't know how the Vietnamese would react. But it got me to thinking about the blessings of living in God's Kingdom.
The other day I read 2 Timothy 3:7 "...always learning, and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth."
I prayed this prayer:God, deliver me fomr an endless sightseeing excursion. Sometimes I treat your kingdom as a beautiful, educational, interesting, joyous tour, but lack faith that I am supposed to live there. I remember visiting Mt. Vernon in Virginia and seeing the houses that were within a stone's throw of George Washington's estate. I was thinking..."People actually live here, among all this history. I, on the other hand, am just visiting." That's the way I sometimes treat God's Kingdom--as if it is not meant to be my daily abode. I act as if living in Christ is not living in "the real world." Entering his presence becomes like a vacation--a pleasant diversion: needed, renewing, beneficial, and...temporary. Lord, help me to live in Acts 17:28:"In Him we live and move and have our being."I am looking for his presence and activity more and more in everyday life. Afterall, I am a citizen, first and foremost, of his kingdom. He is my reality.
On a less serious note, we are now the proud owner of several birds: Moonpie, Marie, Google and one yet to be named have all joined little Chim. We appreciate your prayers. I especially appreciate them when the girls and I are holding down the fort without Tony, Enoch and Marissa!