Wednesday, January 6, 2010

That Lock Has To Go

It is morning in Vietnam! Earlier, I went out to the courtyard to unlock the gate for the day.

It seems to me that in Vietnam, as in life, even padlocks can outlive their usefulness. We have used the same heavy padlock on our front gate since our arrival here. Every night, we secure the gate into our courtyard, and also during the day if we leave the house. It's been a useful lock--it is heavy, it has kept unwanted visitors out, and at times it has been used to keep little residents in. :)

But, I think it may be time for the lock to go. For several weeks now, when it is unlocked, the whole lock comes apart. The key is hard to turn, and if you're not careful, when it does open, the heavy bottom part of the lock will fall on your toes. There is some visible rust, and the lock only stays together when it is completely engaged. got me to thinking about the situations and attitudes that I have "locked up" for safe-keeping. So, I've been taking inventory this morning. Holy Spirit, what is locked in me?
-forgiveness withheld?-grief treasured to a near form of spiritual worship?
-furnaced anger occasionally stoked to roaring heat?
-regret replayed and relived until I am sufficiently miserable?
-hardships or difficult circumstances trotted out to evoke excuse or pity?

Maybe it's time to get rid of some locks in my life. How about you?

Here in Danang, the old lock goes, but another will replace it. Can I trust my Father to throw away the old locks and put in some new ones? in knowing that I am forgiven
...comfort that no loss is beyond His help
...humility to release offense to His judgment and resolution
...acceptance that He is touched with the feeling of my weaknesses
...courage to believe that He is the victory

After every meal, we have a little saying that we repeat together. More than a statement of unity, it is a prayed "life-statement" to the Lord Himself: "My heart, Your heart, one heart. Jesus is Victor." Can you pray it from your heart today?

Grace and peace!