Saturday: Joy lost a front tooth. "Look, Mom! Now I can eat pasghetti!"

Sunday: We returned from church to find this lizard waiting patiently for a ride in a bicycle basket with Apple the Bear. He really surprised us!

Monday: Dat and Ut returned home, after visiting for a few days while Ut had follow-up medical visits. Dat's haircut was our last preparation for him to begin the school year!

Tuesday: A couple of homeschool stories. Jillian (above) celebrates a perfect score on her history test! Earlier that morning, the girls were talking about putting on a "Plymouth Play." Jillian had assigned parts for Samoset, Squanto and Massasoit. Playfully, Dad said, "I'll be John Smith." Jillian rolled her eyes, "You can't, Dad. John Smith was at Jamestown, not at Plymouth. You'll have to be Miles Standish." (Mom's "teacher heart" was dancing!)
In another history lesson, Anna Mei was taking notes about Plymouth. The text said, "In selecting Plymouth as the site for their settlement, the Pilgrims looked for a place with fresh drinking water, a good harbor, and the freedom from unfriendly Indians." Anna Mei's notes said: "Good water, good harbor, good Indians."
During a fast-paced game of "Name That World Landmark", I showed the girls a picture of the Suez Canal. "It's a canal!" cried Jillian. Wanting to be the first to name the site, Anna Mei (below) blurted, "I know! I know! Root Canal!"

Wednesday: Faith shows Joy that she too, has now lost her right front tooth. We can't tell who is more excited! Twins in everything!

I can't leave Elizabeth out! She has finished two reading books this year. Keeping her busy is a challenge...she almost always finishes every subject by 11:00 am!