As our trip to the US draws very near, I wanted to tell you a few observations I have made about life here in Vietnam and what applications I am making to my own life...
First, it's often the little things that trip us up. If I say "bugs", you may think "big." And, we do have them, big roaches, big spiders, etc. But to me, the most pesky, frustrating and difficult to deal with of all of them is...the teeny-tiniest of ants. They are everywhere, numbering in the tens of billions (I am sure). They are difficult to see because the travel in cracks and crevices: where the door frame connects to the wall; in the lines where floor tiles meet; at the bottom of baseboards. By the time they are seen, they are covering a cup, a plate, a table. Moving the cup means that they run to your hand. It is an odd sensation; it feels like a thin, moving glove. In my life, I sometimes miss the little things that are, well, amiss. Little frustrations allowed to grow; slight discontent coddled; "insignificant", private criticisms enjoyed as personal entertainment... things small, unseen to most people, pests that run rampant and become visible when left alone. I'm asking the Lord to shine His light and reveal these pests wherever they lurk. Every thought captive. Every motive pure. Every high and lofty thing that would exalt itself against my Lord vanquished and subjugated.
Second, I've been thinking about heaven. With our trip to the US just days away, I've been looking to what lies ahead. I imagine the sights and, perhaps more, the smells. I want to stand in a beauty salon, close my eyes and breathe deep...and the Yankee candle store...and the cosmetic counters at Dillards or Lazarus. There are many spectacular sights in Vietnam...the ocean view, mountains that look as if clouds are resting on their peaks, night-time river views with lights reflecting across the water. So what makes the images of my mind so wondrously beautiful? They are home. Is that how I will feel about heaven: will it be like stepping into vivid technicolor? Will every smell, sound and sight feel like home? I think so. And thinking about it has helped me catch hold a little more of Paul's words about heaven being far more desireable.
Third, the signs. In the US, when special days are coming, the stores signal, announce and trumpet it with decorations, cards, and seasonal home decor. My first clue to the arrival of some of the holidays here is the smell of incense. To honor, remember, include the ancestors, incense is burned on little home altars, and offerings of fruit or other favorite food is placed there (one had a small bag of Skittles candy on it!). No matter how big or small the holiday, incense is always one of my clues to its arrival.
And, lastly, I have been pondering the "God-shaped hole" in every heart that makes us long for eternity. Recently I learned that when someone becomes elderly here, they become known as "the mother of John" or "the father of Jane"...the name used is that of the oldest child. So, for example, years from now, I will be known as "Me Jillian" (pronounced "may Jillian) for "mother of Jilllian. I think it is a cultural way of wanting to express that "life goes on" and the parent will live through succeeding generations. Linh told me that she did not know her grandfather's given name until he died when she was 14 years old, because the only name she had ever heard him called was "father of Quyen" (her father's name). Eternity beats within the heart of every person. We long for it. This life is short, at best. We may know the elation of many joys and privileges, but we may experience gut-wrenching heartache, excruciating pain, fear, sorrow and despair. There is more! Somewhere deep within, we know it. We hope for it.
So, these random thoughts have been occupying the space between my ears and churning in my heart. I know this message is a bit long, but I wanted to share with you while it is fresh on my mind. I don't know if I will have the opportunity to post many messages before we leave for the US.
This week, I hope you, too, will have some time to ponder the things around you. God is speaking! He reveals Himself daily and brings His Word to greater understanding as we let Him apply it to our daily lives.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Week In Pictures

Tuesday: A couple of homeschool stories. Jillian (above) celebrates a perfect score on her history test! Earlier that morning, the girls were talking about putting on a "Plymouth Play." Jillian had assigned parts for Samoset, Squanto and Massasoit. Playfully, Dad said, "I'll be John Smith." Jillian rolled her eyes, "You can't, Dad. John Smith was at Jamestown, not at Plymouth. You'll have to be Miles Standish." (Mom's "teacher heart" was dancing!)
In another history lesson, Anna Mei was taking notes about Plymouth. The text said, "In selecting Plymouth as the site for their settlement, the Pilgrims looked for a place with fresh drinking water, a good harbor, and the freedom from unfriendly Indians." Anna Mei's notes said: "Good water, good harbor, good Indians."
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
At different times in my life, I've dreamed of what might come to pass in the future. Who I might marry (that one came true), what vocation I would follow, how many children, where we would live, etc., etc., etc.
Some were fanciful, some were funny, some foolish. Recently twoexperiences made me consider the "dreams" of my life with a newappreciation for so many blessings.
"When I see you with your daughters, I dream." That's what a 20-year-old said as I waved the good-bye to the twins on a swim outing with their Dad. She lives at home with 3 siblings, grandparents and parents. She works, bringing the money home to the household. "My mother doesn't love me like that," she said quietly. I tried to reassure her. Cultures are very different. Someday, she can be the kind of mother she herself has longed for.
Another woman, seriously ill, dreams of seeing her child reach adulthood. It appears unlikely, from a human standpoint. Still, she dreams of what he will become. The education he will attain. The job he will hold. The family he will raise. Her eyes study his frame while he plays. Possibilities dance in her stedfast gaze, drawing up tears of longing.
Dreams are powerful. It is a wonderful gift that God grants us to reach out and up for something bigger than ourselves...something greater, something gallant, beautiful, life-giving, noble.
May my dreaming be worthy of the One who has dreamed up a future and hope for me. Father, keep me from consuming Your goodness only on myself. Open the portals of my heart wide and deep to the world around me. And let me dream...
Grace and peace!
Some were fanciful, some were funny, some foolish. Recently twoexperiences made me consider the "dreams" of my life with a newappreciation for so many blessings.
"When I see you with your daughters, I dream." That's what a 20-year-old said as I waved the good-bye to the twins on a swim outing with their Dad. She lives at home with 3 siblings, grandparents and parents. She works, bringing the money home to the household. "My mother doesn't love me like that," she said quietly. I tried to reassure her. Cultures are very different. Someday, she can be the kind of mother she herself has longed for.
Another woman, seriously ill, dreams of seeing her child reach adulthood. It appears unlikely, from a human standpoint. Still, she dreams of what he will become. The education he will attain. The job he will hold. The family he will raise. Her eyes study his frame while he plays. Possibilities dance in her stedfast gaze, drawing up tears of longing.
Dreams are powerful. It is a wonderful gift that God grants us to reach out and up for something bigger than ourselves...something greater, something gallant, beautiful, life-giving, noble.
May my dreaming be worthy of the One who has dreamed up a future and hope for me. Father, keep me from consuming Your goodness only on myself. Open the portals of my heart wide and deep to the world around me. And let me dream...
Grace and peace!
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dat receives a back pack from Enoch and Marissa. Ut is on the left.

Life in Vietnam seems to move at an ever increasing pace. Here are some hightlights from the past week or so...
...we celebrated Dat's birth and life last Friday night. He had never had a party before, so he was very happy with the balloons, flag banners, cake, ice cream, special meal and presents. Duc and Linh, Enoch and Marissa, and Bee celebrated with us. Dat received some more school supplies from Duc and Linh, a back pack from Enoch and Marissa (filled with art supplies), and a bike from the Brewer clan. We had a chance to share with Dat that his life is no accident. He has a great purpose designed from His Heavenly Father. We celebrated not only the past event of his birth, but the anticipation of a bright future. Ut and Dat both expressed heartfelt gratitude. Hard to believe that four months ago, Ut was not expected to survive through September.
...on Saturday, Ut and Dat returned home to Hiep Duc. If there has been a time in Vietnam when we smiled through tears, this was it. Tony, all the girls, Duc, Linh and Sally, and Enoch and Marissa accompanied them. (I stayed at the house to work on lesson plans for the week.) Before he left, Dat followed me to the kitchen. He caught my hand and said simply, "Mommy, you will not forget me?" I assured him that would be impossible. Tony and the group got them to their home, and stocked with food. We will see them again in a couple of weeks.
...Anna Mei had a mishap at an indoor playground and chipped a front tooth. Thankfully, the gum does not appear damaged and it is not causing her pain. Also, we are glad to have an upcoming opportunity to visit our dentist in the US!
...We made a working compass in science class using a sewing needle and a bar magnet. It reminded me of the internal compass God provides that points us to Him--the Holy Spirit. Like the needle, we don't have to strive or work to be pointed in the right direction--we simply need to surrender and follow where He points us.
...We celebrated Marissa's birthday yesterday. How wonderful to share life in Vietnam with great friends! Marissa and Enoch are making a difference in the lives of children and poor families. They are a blessing to our family also.
...because of the time to order and have materials delivered, we have just scored achievement tests from last year. We praise God for good results!
All in all, it's been a great week. God is good. His mercy endures forever! Grace and peace!
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