Elizabeth reads to Faith in the book corner.
We officially have the first week of the new homeschool year under our belt! It feels good, but it has been a busy and tiring week. The girls are off to a great start!
Here are some updates from our home...
Ut arrived this week from the hospital. She is gaining strength daily. Last night I went to sit with her for awhile. She speaks no English, so beyond greetings, I just sit on the side of her bed and hold her hand. Last night she started crying. I thought she might be in pain, so I called Linh. Linh talked to her on the phone, then told me, "She is not in pain. She said that no one has ever shown love to her like this--ever. It makes her cry for joy that all of you care for her and Dat." Then, Ut wasn't the only one crying...
Bee was clearly frustrated and unhappy. And, if the cook ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. :) Turns out she was unable to keep up with kitchen duties, as well as helping in the house. So, in exchange for a reduced salary, she is now only working in the kitchen. Quinn (age 20) has joined us to help with laundry and housework, especially during the school year. Quinn is a believer and speaks some English. Bee is happy again. Quinn has been a blessing. This week, Quinn's 14-year-old brother, Ung, has been with us while his parents attend training at their church. He has been a good friend for Dat and Jillian to play cards and ride bikes.
The girls asked if they could wear uniforms this year. So...after the first day of school, we did a little shopping. The "normal" uniform here is navy skirt/pants with a white shirt/blouse. We wear uniforms Mon, Wed and Fri. Tues and Thurs are "street clothes" days. That way, one uniform each does everyone. Sally wanted to match, so she got a uniform also. Cute!
I was privileged to share the Word at the international church last Sunday. I spoke on Psalm 84: The Life That Worships. Worship that is rooted in relationship (v.1-4), resolute in suffering (v.5-7) and radiant with confidence of God's provision and presence (v. 8-12). Charles Spurgeon called Ps. 84 "The Pearl of the Psalms."
Have faced some personal disappointments, but we look to Jesus as our source for everything. He is faithful. I just want my heart to remain soft, teachable, and ever pointed to Home. I was reminded of God's "built-in compass" that draws us to Him today when we made a compass in our science class--amazing.
I pray that you find also that, whatever we face, God is good, His love endures forever. Sing praise...
Grace and peace!
Grace and peace!