This is the new bridge. The photo was taken on a day much like today, from far down river. If you could drive up on the road (right side of the picture) to the bridge, turn right and drive just a bit, you would be at our house!
Hello, all--
It's a cloudy, but dry (so far) Saturday morning here. As you might imagine, a question I hear daily is "When will Daddy and Jillian be home?" Calendars to mark off the days have helped Anna Mei and Elizabeth understand and grow in anticipation. To Faith and Joy, the time concept is not satisfactory. The only answer they want to hear is "Today!" Soon, little ones. Lord willing, soon.
Danang City is on the coast of Vietnam, and it straddles the Han River. Currently, there are at least two bridges to get from one side to the other (there may be more--these are the two I have travelled). A third is under construction, very near to our house. When the new bridge is completed, our travel to the north end of the city, on the opposite side of the river, will be greatly reduced. For example, Danang International Fellowship is in that section. Our taxi ride is 15-20 minutes now. It will be about 5 minutes when we can access the new bridge.
I have come to realize that people here view the new bridge with very different perspectives. To some, it holds the promise of easier commutes, better access, less traffic on the Song Han River Bridge (the most travelled), and more businesses at the north end of the city. To others, it is a disappointment. They estimate that it will be years before the bridge is completed, IF it is completed. Their hope for it has waned. It is a sore reminder to them that "nothing changes". To some, it is even a joke.
The thought occurred to me that people view Jesus, His kingdom, and His second coming very much like that bridge. To some, an intimate growing, developing walk with the Lord is full of possibility, new adventures, greater expansion of His kingdom. To others, setbacks, slow progress, disappointments, and even tragedies have nipped their joy in the bud. Living in a vibrant, close, and communicative relationship with Jesus seems like a faraway possibility--IF it is possible at all. Their hope, too, has waned. And, too, some look at a real relationship with Christ as a joke.
So, which side of the bridge are you on? Not just in a statement of personal faith, but in a daily, vital, "walks with me, talks with me" relationship with Jesus Christ, God's Son? I ask myself the same question. It is easy to slip comfortably back into old ways of thinking and judging the world and everything in it! :) I see the new bridge every day (if I leave the house at all--it is visible by travelling only about a block). Whenever the bridge is finished, I am thankful for it even now. It is a constant reminder to me to take hold of the promises of God, to look for and embrace the new things He is doing in my life, to accept that those "new things" also mean new ways of thinking, speaking, judging, acting and reacting.
May the Lord show you where He is doing "new construction" in your life, and may you embrace it with hope born of His Spirit!
Grace and peace to you from Jesus, who IS our peace!